Holiday Winter Cabin: Basic Structure and Logs
Since I have no supplies because of a big move, I had to
first go to the store to begin replenishing. This means buying the basics including
Xacto knives, glue, paintbrushes, etc. I forgot how much I love craft stores
and how inspiring they can be. I also forgot how expensive everything can be,
but that’s to be expected since I’m starting from scratch.
I bought everything I thought I needed to at least make the
basic structure with logs. First, since I forgot to print out the template, I
traced it onto paper and then used that to cut out my foam core. All of the pieces
looked nice and I did a dry fit to make sure they were all the right size. I figured
it would be easiest to lay the logs before assembling the house. I also thought
I could cut out the windows and doors after placing the whole logs. I was wrong
on both counts.

Once assembling the house, I noticed that because I had to
go back and refit some of the logs, the interlocking pattern I wanted for the
corners was completely off. Luckily this is supposed to be a very rustic and
old cabin, so having the logs be out of place makes sense. But I would recommend
gluing the logs after the house is assembled.

Progress is going well, but I’m already in need of more
supplies, so off to the store I go.
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